Tuesday, November 4, 2014

#TeaserTuesday ~ It's almost THE GAME CHANGER's 2nd birthday!

Welcome to this week's Teaser Tuesday! I almost always post a teaser on my Facebook fan page on Tuesdays, but I decided to start posting them on my blog, too.

Next week is the second anniversary of the publication of THE GAME CHANGER, my sophomore novel. I can't believe my little book baby has been out in the world for two whole years! Melody and Julian (and Olivia and Ava) have a very special place in my heart. So special, in fact, that THE GAME CHANGER isn't the only book they'll be appearing in...*zips lips* ;-)

Here's a bit about the book before I share the teaser:

Melody Cartwright has never had a problem with change, but for the first time in her life the changes are beyond her control—she suddenly has a niece she never knew, but has to prove herself to; her best friend is making huge life changes of her own; and she has to deal with her ex and his crazy new girlfriend who has stalker tendencies. 
When Melody meets confident, sexy Julian, she’s not interested in a relationship. He tells her it’s possible for a man and a woman to just be friends, and despite his ultra-charming ways there’s something about him that makes Melody believe he could be right.

During a time of change and turmoil, it doesn’t take long for Julian to become everything Melody never knew she needed in her life. But is it possible for them to remain ‘just friends’ or will Melody be a game changer for Julian the playboy?

I think if you click the image it'll expand it to its original size...I'm bad at this stuff lol. If you can't read it but want to, check my FB page for this same teaser today ;-)



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